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Don’t take risks with your Fire Alarm testing.

Instead trust Brennan Electrical to do it right.

Fire Safety


  • Trustworthy certification

  • No Oversupply of services a promised

  • Free advice and guidance

Help you to control your Risks

Our comprehensive fire safety check will give you a sense of what your risk position is in relation to regulations.

It makes it easy for you to make an effective plan to ensure your compliance.

Your compliance road map

You will be guided by us to help you define a sensible road map for reducing that risk.

The road map will outline what actions you need to do now and what steps can be completed later.

It's an easy way to prioritize your work whilst remaining compliant.

Your peace of mind

Once you engage with Brennan Electrical, we will provide all the necessary documentation and evidence to demonstrate to any interested party that your Fire Safety infrastructure is safe.

It means you can relax knowing you've got solid proof of your "Duty of Care"

Getting you service right

In addition, you'll receive a structured program designed to help you achieve your risk reduction plans.

This plan will outline a mixture of specific compliance services, pragmatic remedial work and education.

It means you'll feel confident of what you need to do next to put things right.


Brennan Electrical invests in you, your business, your home, because we have a duty of care to our customers.

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